An Unbiased View of Dallas Steve Baxter

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Investment Expert

Organization: Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Address: 7529 Stonecrest Drive

Dallas, Texas 75254



Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Steve Baxter has over 40 years of excellent experience in the real estate business in the DFW region and other major cities in Texas. He has been involved in the acquisition, rehab, management, and sale of about $400 million dollars worth of single family, condo, multifamily, rural land, and office investments.

Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Steve was in Dallas Steve Baxter Young Life and Fellowship of Christian Athletes in both his junior and senior years. Steve was selected for the Superintendent’s Council as a senior.

Steve somehow survived the two real estate crashes which eliminated many investors out of the business: namely the late 80's S&L banking crash and real estate depression, and, the 2008 subprime crisis.

Steve Baxter Dallas Apartment Specialist

The basketball video can be viewed here:

Steve has always told them what he would like to be said about himself by his students: “I really knew that Cat Daddy (Steve’s nickname) loved me and cared about me.”

Steve Baxter Dallas Apartment Specialist

Watching his son Andrew Baxter play on the Pearce High School basketball Steve Baxter Dallas team was a wonderful time in Steve’s life.

Andrew Baxter’s Dad, Steve, was usually videoing the game since Andrew’s brother Brennan was the senior point guard. Steve noticed how excited the bench was and how much fun they were having, so he started taping the bench more than the game. He created a hilarious video that can be viewed on his website. Andrew’s number was 23.

Steve Baxter Dallas

Having fond memories of his own high school times no doubt gives Steve great satisfaction in watching Andrew succeed.

Andrew Baxter of Dallas had seldom seen so many authentic Christians. While many university students view their college years as time to indulge themselves in more parties than possible in high school, Andrew Baxter enjoys the deeper, more lasting satisfaction of learning what it actually means to be a Christian, to belong to Christ, and to be in fellowship with fellow Christians.

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Investment Expert

Andrew’s view is remarkably similar to that of his father, Steve, and ultimately to that of the Apostle Paul, who wrote, "Everything that was gain to me, I consider to be a loss because of Christ. What I mean is, I consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

For the Apostle John penned that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Steve Baxter Dallas Apartment Specialist